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Ok, the political movement know as the tea party has become too big to ignore.
When I enter a conversation about politics with any of my friends (Politically savvy or not), over the past several months their initial question has repeatedly been "So, what do you think about the Tea Party [movement]?". I typically respond with "eh, I don't know"
Typically I'm greeted with a stunning reaction "... really? I thought you'd be on board with that?"
Yes, that's me- ready to jump on the next wave of what's popular. Even if the movement smacks of dissent, It's become too clear that it's cool to be part of the tea party this side of the Mason-Dixon line.
Now, don't get me wrong... I'm in LOVE with the idea. But like most things, people with their own agendas destroy the spirit of the idea (see Catholicism, Stalin, and Teamsters).
After speaking with a teacher of whom I think the world, he described the Tea Party in a way that I implore others to follow.
Where does the Tea Party stand on abortion? They don't
Where does the Tea Party stand on gay marriage? They don't
War on Terror? nope
War on children under 5? uh-uh
The only thing the Tea Party wants is the government to slow down it's accumulation of power.
The United States Federal Government is the largest land-owner, stock-owner, lender, borrower, employer, and highest-paid employee per capita in the Land of the Free.
The only thing the Tea party should be focused on is the lessening, and in some cases- rescinding the stranglehold that the Feds have on controlling prices.
That's it
Nothing more
... and to think- If the Democrats would've just worked with establishment Republicans and compromised in just a few ways, this movement would have NO clout.
We need smart, small government.
It's unfortunate that there have been no voices loud and lucid enough to break the static. (If I had money, I would, but instead I post this crap with no form of action)
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