As I do every Tuesday morning, I arrived at University of North Texas' Baptist Student Ministry to play a few rounds of ping-pong with my friend Zac who I carpool with. I really enjoy it in the morning because it gets the blood flowing and helps me focus in class.
After losing two games to one, I left the building to attend my Economic Research methods class. The coolness felt wonderful on me but I realized that it would only be comfortable if I kept my sweater and my leather jacket on.
On my way into Wooten Hall, I pass by and smile at a professor I had last semester, I see an old friend who I awkwardly wave but receive no reciprocation, and then I see the flood of students walk out of the building wearing a T-shirt and pants... I even saw a girl wearing a short skirt.
I have always been a lover of the cold. I admit, I was caught a little off-guard by Winter than I.
I then proceed leisurely into the building preparing for my most hated class when I instantly start feeling beads of sweat roll down my back (the first place I always sweat... gross, I know).
I am hit by a wall of "public" plus heat and actually gag due to the commercial and tepid smell combined with a pulse of heat likely to ignite a potato.
People all around me are removing any extra layers of clothes as they head up the stairs causing people to climb the stairs while blinded by sweaters being taken over their head and running into other people.
What is UNT thinking?
Sure its nice to come into a warm building, but not one where your books instantly ignite. I wouldn't be surprised if that were the purpose so that they could make a new edition of the book and sell it to you. Not only that, but the heat of people removing clothesthat were containing their own musk are released into the air, amplified by the heat, and then spread around to every happy student there. We all dwell together in our own signature form of stink.
If UNT's intent was to create a more comfortable learning environment, what they've done is created an atmosphere in which the middle-aged women coming back to college don't know if they are entering menopause, or if the campus employees of the building in their offices are comfortable from a central A/C unit.
I know space heaters are so expensive and hard to find this time of year.
It's a jerk move and if UNT or UNT's SGA weren't so busy working on their new multi-million dollar union and trying to get all the bells and whistles they can, perhaps they could address the practicality of students sweating in their classroom during the first 15 minutes of class.
People stink. You stink- and if there is anything I can do to not be miserable WHILE BEING MISERABLE ALREADY, I will do it.
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