Ok, so I'm pulling through the drive through at Taco Bell and I'm about 3 people behind to get the order. My mouth is already watering anticipating the two 99-cent Chicken Burritos that I am about to purchase, consume, and regret.
If you've seen the movie Waiting..., you know it's always good to treat those who handle your food with respect. If you don't know this already and typically treat those who handle your food like Chris Brown extends to Rihanna, it is likely you have consumed various amounts of inedible materials... likely "organic" and human in origin.
Anyway, so when it's my turn to order, the conversation through the intercom went something like this:
Intercom (woman)- "Hello how are you today?"
Me (male-in case you were unaware)- "Doing great, how about you"
Intercom- "Good"
Then there is a 30 second pause... there is now only one car in front of me who is now receiving their food. The inside is not busy.
Intercom- "...Order when you're ready"
But she says it in a tone that makes it out as if I am the retard (and I mean "retard" in the purest of definitions).
This seems to be a recurring theme in every encounter that I've had at Taco Bell. Frankly, I'm done asking about their day. From now on, when they ask, "Hello how are you today", without hesitation I am going to answer "I'll be awesome when you give me two chicken burritos!"
Instead of having to wait 30 seconds to see if they plan on taking my order, I can instead use that time to sift through my burritos to determine whether revenge has been attempted against me or not after I get said burritos. They can't even fold them right these days anyway...
Courtesy is too good for Taco Bell.
I totally agree with you! That drives me crazy when they do that.