I consider myself a smart guy, and if you are a smart person, you should too.
However, one thing that the nation can't seem to get over is the perceived dumbness of the southern accent/drawl.
It is intensely frustrating when I hear stories from my friend, Leslie who graduated from TCU in the top of her class in BOTH her majors in Business (Supply Chain and Entrepreneurial Management something-rather), and her co-workers in California feeling that because she says "y'all", she must be inbred.
Firstly, "y'all" is the most genius, most innovative word to come around until truthiness by Stephen Colbert was created. It's a contraction of "you" and "all". If you put the apostrophe after the "a", you're not helping our cause...
... also, if you don't know what an apostrophe is, please don't say you're from Texas- go with Ohio.
other cultures use "you's guys"... WTF IS THAT!? Yankee scum use it all the time. you-is-guys? People always want to beat up on the South for not being progressive, yet this phrase is clearly male-focused. It is essentially calling a girl "dude". It still works, but there's something not quite right about it.
you all... if you really want to speak correctly, this is the way to go, but that's my point- "y'all" is innovative.
What sparked this was this morning, while working, I was approached by a woman with a heavy New York accent. She sounded like Linda Richman (cwofee twallk). Her child had these big, beautiful, glossy brown eyes that had clearly just been done crying. I offered him a sticker from my pricing gun and proceeded to say " you're a docile little fellow aren't you? I'm just incredulous at how calm he is right now, how did you do that?"
As soon as I had said docile, it seemed that someone had jabbed her in the face, then when I used the grand word incredulous, it was as if Ali threw the knockout punch. It was pitiful.
If you've heard me speak, I use a bunch of SAT words because I was raised on them with a mother as an English teacher. I speak like that all the time. I don't do it to impress.
So, as she seemed to be caught off guard, I realized at that time, she had never heard such multisyllabic words exude from such a imprudent and amiable employee. (HA)
So, to stop this stereotyping, I believe we must all work as a team.
Everyone from this area must talk with as harsh a southern accent as you can while using multisyllabic or descriptive words as each person can possibly muster.
Also, that means if you're dumb or have a limited vocabulary, please shhh.
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